Violinist Connie Kupka, a native of Southern California, grew up in a music-loving family along with two siblings, both of whom are also performers.
She attended UCLA and, after graduation, won a scholarship to study chamber music with the Guameri Quartet at the Yale summer festivals in Norfolk, CT. The experience created a life-long passion for chamber music, and inspired her and future husband David Speltz to form their own ensemble, the Arriaga Quartet. The group went on to win the Grand Prize at the prestigious Coleman Chamber Music Competition and begin a touring career presenting the broad range of offerings from the magnificent string quartet repertoire.
Summers have found Connie participating in many of the wonderful festivals throughout the country. She has performed at the Santa Fe and Grand Canyon chamber music festivals, the Mostly Mozart and Oregon Bach festivals, and the Ojai, the Colorado and the Sedona festivals. She also participates regularly at home in many of the chamber music series offered in Los Angeles and throughout the state.
Connie and David have three sons, two of which are now busy touring with their own chamber ensembles.